Sample resources

We are busy adding new resources to our pages on a daily basis. This is a small sample of what we already have on our site with much more to come. 

The following resources will be available for every objective (and more) within the National Curriculum, for Literacy and Maths, as the site grows. We are busy adding new resources on a daily basis for each objective, developing intervention slides as well as editable teaching slides for you to use. Currently, we have over 1 500 resources available, with more added each day.

Membership is only £14.99 per year. We are happy to develop resources upon your request. Contact us for any suggestions and ideas you would like to see.

Maths sample resources

Quick 10 sheets

Our Quick 10 sheets follow the same style questions every day over a week which helps to build confidence for children through regular practice and feedback. 

Our sheets are progressional and develop over the course of the year. 

Cuurrently available for Y2-Y6 for all terms with topic specific versions currently being developed as well. Includes PDF, presentation and editable sheets. 

Arithmetic assessments

We have a number of arithmetic assessments available for Y2 to Y6 and  are adding new assessments every  week. 

These link very closely to the end of Key Stage assessments as well as each year group end of year expectations. 

Our tests help teachers to develop a clear understanding of next steps for children and how teachers can support specific needs. 

Random Reasoning

Our Random Reasoning slides provide children with a range of different style reasoning questions.

These give children the opportunity to work on these as a class, developing their understanding and confidence.

They are an excellent AfL tool, currently available for Y3-6 with more being developed as we speak! 

Arithmetic Five



Our Arithmetic Five sheets are a quick, daily arithmetic revision with one addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fraction (or similar) question based on end of year expectations.

As with our Quick 10’s, these questions follow a similar theme throughout the week.

Our resources are available as a PDF child-version, presentation and editable sheet. 

Objective specific resources.

As well as our resources to support all aspects of the maths (as revision support/AfL), we are also adding support sheets which focus on specific objectives. 

A sample of these are available for you to view below. We are working hard to add these for every objective for every year group. 

Reasoning sheets

Our reasoning sheets are being developed daily with new sheets regularly improved and uploaded. 

These are available as a PDF, editable sheet and presentation to share with the class. 


PDF – Year 6 Common factors
These sheets also come with a PPT presentation that can be shown on a presentation screen/IWB. 


Y5 Place Value – Round it right
Also shows as a separate web-page along with an answer sheet.

If there is something that you would like but we don’t have on offer, please contact us.
We are happy to further develop resources to support our members!

Literacy sample resources

We have a range of Literacy resources already available to use with more being added every week. Samples of these resources will be added very soon including our pictures to enhance writing, GPS questions and spelling scheme.